Municipal Service Review for the Western Riverside County Area Lafco

When LAFCOs consider proposals for city and special district formations or boundary changes, they must residue service efficiencies, and housing and economical evolution needs with competing interests in preserving natural resources.

As a recognized leader in public bureau police force and representation, Best Best & Krieger LLP brings wide-ranging noesis and experience addressing the bug impacting LAFCOs and LAFCO matters affecting other agencies.

Actively involved in developing and reviewing legislation and evaluating its touch on on LAFCOs, nosotros regularly advise our clients on the circuitous and oftentimes changing laws pertaining to local authorities. Our firm is full general counsel to the San Bernardino, Orange, Merced, Santa Clara, Marin and El Dorado LAFCOs and the California Association of LAFCOs. Nosotros too serve as special counsel to the Los Angeles and Marin LAFCOs. Through our extensive experience, nosotros know how LAFCOs operate and are well-versed in LAFCO law, enabling u.s. to effectively represent LAFCOs, every bit well as cities, counties, special districts and other public agency clients on LAFCO-related bug.

Unmatched Experience
BB&G offers an insider's perspective on the Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Reorganization Act of 2000. We have served on task forces for legislative cleanup, for adoption of municipal service review guidelines, and to modify and clarify the revenue neutrality statute and other CKH provisions related to incorporations.

Comprehensive Service
From CKH compliance through policy adoption/implementation, we provide dynamic solutions to the legal challenges our clients face. Our comprehensive, price-constructive legal services include:

  • Full general counsel advice on Dark-brown Act, Political Reform Deed and Public Records Act compliance, and public policy and ethics obligations
  • Public finance, taxes and bonds
  • Environmental compliance
  • H2o rights, supply and quality
  • Renewable energy
  • Land use, permitting and zoning laws
  • Government relations
  • Litigation, mediation and mediation

Additionally, nosotros assist with municipal service reviews and conducting authorization proceedings, as well every bit advise regarding spheres of influence; new district formation or incorporation and disincorporations; organization change requests including city and special commune annexations, consolidations, detachment, dissolution and other reorganizations; articulation powers agreements; and belongings tax commutation agreements.


Areas of Focus: Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) | Municipal Police force | Special Districts


Areas of Focus: California Public Records Act | Government Policy & Public Integrity | Municipal Law | Public Bureau Labor & Employment | Public Agency Litigation | Special Districts



Areas of Focus: Economical Evolution, Existent Estate & Affordable Housing | Election Constabulary | Regime Policy & Public Integrity | Public Infrastructure



Areas of Focus: Environmental Law & Natural Resources | General & Special Counsel | Local Bureau Formation Committee (LAFCO) | Municipal Law | Public Infrastructure | Special Districts


Areas of Focus: California Public Utilities Committee | Environmental Police force & Natural Resources | Fees, Taxes & Assessments | Local Bureau Formation Committee (LAFCO) | Municipal Law | Special Districts



Areas of Focus: Economic Evolution, Existent Manor & Affordable Housing | Ballot Law | Local Agency Germination Commission (LAFCO) | Municipal Law



Areas of Focus: California Public Records Act | Economical Evolution, Existent Estate & Affordable Housing | Government Policy & Public Integrity | Local Agency Germination Committee (LAFCO) | Transportation



Areas of Focus: California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) | Environmental Police force & Natural Resources | Ecology Litigation | National Ecology Policy Deed (NEPA)

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