Cute Tumblr Drawings Funny Things to Draw


♈ 🦊
They/them | 🇮🇹 white
Currently learning digital art and doing really weird looking art, mistakes, experiments and a ton of random attempts. A wild but funny path.
In love with drawing potterverse/riordanverse stuff

Anonymous asked:

Hey :) Just wanted to ask you if you were white. If you are, just fyi, people of color including me prefer it if you add it in your bio considering you often draw characters as people of color. Here

I am white! Sorry I have it everywhere but not on Tumblr, I fixed that hehehe thank u for pointing that out!

Anonymous asked:

The ask about your Piper tutorial reminded me of something I wanted to say.

I have seen a lot of white artists repeating this idea that some characteristics are solely "white" – specially when it comes to noses –, and I just wanted to say that when you make the design of a character from an ethnic group that you're not a part of, giving them a certain characteristic just because you feel that the other one is exclusively white isn't representation, it's just another form of stereotype.

Your design of Piper is beautiful and I'm aware that you researched, looked for the opinions of Cherokee people and encouraged other artists to do the same, but I've really come across this so many times that I felt that it needed to be emphasized.

This yes! I totally agree with you!

I probably am not the best to explain things but for me is searching for details that usually were seen as "not pretty enough" to the " standard" and celebrate the difference in the humans. This include the nose but also body hair for example! I think extremism is always wrong and honestly I apologise if I reinforced the idea that there are some features that are solely white! I don't honestly believe in that, like, it doesn't make actual sense in my brain but I might have said something that reinforced that idea without realising so I apologise if it was the case!

I do love people correcting me and pointing out how things can be said better so please, always feel free to add stuff under my posts or correct me. I try to share my resources or more well written post when I talk about this because I usually do so on a really basic level, just to give people an incentive to research more

What I know is based on Internet research and real life experience but I live in Italy and I might not be the right person to talk about some stuff because irl friends sometimes have different opinion that the rest of the Internet people

So again, thank you for this! ❤️

Anonymous asked:

Get well soon, Soia, I'm massaging your brain through the screen


Massaging the brain sounds both creepy and cute but thank you for the get well soon wishes! ❤️

Anonymous asked:

Hi! So, I saw your tutorial on Piper and it was so good. But just a heads up, the feather is there because it's from a harpy's nest it's like from her quest or something like that and not just usually drawn because she's a cherokee

Aw thanks!

Yeah I know about that and a lot of people are saying it. It is indeed canon and Rick talked about it too, is basically a comparison to the eagle feathers that usually holds a lot of meaning for indigenous.

However is something a bit controversial, owning a eagle feather is complex, there is paperwork to do and generally is not that much of a random thing. I can't explain much but I can link you some resources

So, yes Rick added it as a "warrior trophy" which is a common things in different cultures honestly, but it's a bit meh. While it's canon is also from a colonizer point of view of indigenous traditions and culture. I am not the right person to ask these to probably but I talked with a lot of indigenous people with different ideas and takes on Piper, and I'm basically repeating what these people told me to answer to questions like yours!

The harpy feather is still a feather, the look and concept is still from a colonizer/distrespectful point of view. So, it doesn't matter if it's an earn feather, she shouldn't wear ANY feather in her hair. HOWEVER she can take the feather and keep it as something special, but wearing it is a bit no no

Harpy feather are still feathers, feathers in indigenous hair are offensive and disrespectful. Canon or not canon, indigenous have said that is something to be avoided, so we respect what they say.

Some resources written better than my answer lmao

A thing that's interesting for further research


Mixed Annabeth because I have zero self control.

No but really, I was looking for more hazel references, I was exploring Pinterest and saw some mixed model that kinda looked like Annabeth and then I found myself drawing her on procreate without even realizing. It was a quick thing to just have fun and experiment with a different hair texture, 3B/C and skin colors!

What do you think? Do you like this? I don't have a preference and honestly respect the people that sees her as black, mixed or white. The good thing about books is that you can kinda imagine the characters like u want and I'm here to fuel the imagination of people that sees annabeth as mixed!

percyjacksonfanartartsoiasketchbookartists on tumblrillustrators on tumblrillustrationdigitalartannabeth chasepjo fanartpercyjacksonannabeth pjopoc annabeth

tellthestarshello808 asked:


Was wondering what brushes and app you use for even just a basic sketch

Thank I adore your art btw it's gorgeous and indigenous piper yes

Hiii! Thank you for the support, love u

I draw on Procreate and I usually use a brush i made with time but I tend to change and experiment a lot with brushes that are on procreate. Maybe I will make a brush pack in the future?

i keep changing brushes and experimenting so it's hard to give you a proper answer!


I've decided to open commissions again, for now I have 3 spots open every month.

Price chart:
Bust 25 €
Half-body 30 €
Full-body 35 €
Hands art/ Encanto door 10 €

*the prices are for a full colored art, with no background. If you need a sketch, the lineart only or to add a background, the price might change from 5€ to 10€ to add or remove!
(prices might change in the future, like they did compared to my old commission-price-chart of the summer!)

✅Will draw:
your ocs
yourself or someone you know
any fictional character
icon and banner
Book/fanfiction covers
couple/ships of any gender
you in the potterverse/riordanverse

❌Will not draw:
sexual NSFW
hateful art
Some ships (please ask in the mail and I'll let you know if I'm comfortable or not drawing them! Or dm me, but I tend to lost dms so!)

Payment on Paypal.

You can commission me for email and EMAIL ONLY at

Guide to commission me below!

commission openartsoiaartists on tumblrtaking commisionscommisions open

Anonymous asked:

do you mind if your art is used as profile pictures (with credit of course)?

Not at all! I found it really sweet! It always fills me with joy! So yes, you can use my art as a profile pic with proper credit! ❤️


Piper collage art? Idk but I kinda like doing these type of art? Should I do more?

If you search on my socials you can see my first drawing of piper that was basically one year ago?? Sigh time flies so fast but I hope you like her in these drawings! Also her pupils turn into hearts when she uses charmspeak, it's not canon but since I say so, now it is (I'm joking but really, the heart pupil and maybe some pink hue like in the show Merlin lmao)

Also!! I just love drawing piper and add small hearts everywhere heheheh I apologize

piper mcleanartsoiasketchbookartists on tumblrillustrators on tumblrillustrationdigitalartpercyjacksonfanartpercy jacksonpercyjackson

These days drawing Piper is just a comfort thing to do? I just love the shapes I can use while drawing her but also, I looked at my one year old art of piper and i was???? surprised? I improved a lot this last year and I'm surprised about it and I'm trying to be happy with it but… it's hart to compare yourself to you old self only, I keep comparing myself to others and that makes no sense bc my path is different from the one of the others so the result is obviously different, sigh I'm rambling but to people comparing to my art (if there are any) YOUR PATH IS YOURS ONLY AND IS VALID AS IT IS TODAY BECAUSE YOU ARE BETTER THAN THE YOU OF BEFORE

lmao bye

piper mclean

Anonymous asked:

So, I've seen some of your posts about issues with the Riordanverse, and sorry if this is dumb because I didn't see a post or something, but what's your opinion on Rick in general? Are you one of the people who think he's incredibly problematic, or do you think he could do better but isn't trying to cause problems?

Hi! Mh I hope to be able to answer properly to this question, English is not my first language so sometimes my sentences are a but messy.

I don't think that Rick Riordan is incredibly problematic, I think that jkr is incredibly problematic tho! About the Riordanverse I believe that mistakes were made. We should also think when these mistakes were made.

For example, about piper. I've read the book when I was a kid (basically almost when they were coming out I think) and in that time I believed indigenous people weren't a thing anymore and that dressing up as an indigenous was okay (because that was what the school teached). Not that I did, I was one of these kids that wanted to dress up as animals, flanders and a giraffe were my faves. Sorry I'm loosing focus.

Thanks to piper i started researching on my own and discovered that what they teach us in Italy at school is totally wrong. I learned about not only American indigenous but so much more! I now realise that I've made mistakes in the past too! I've made mistakes with Hazel too for example, but the books helped me researching and learning more about some stuff that I, as an Italian who are mostly white-mentality raised, don't really know about! He wrote during a period where others famous writers weren't inclusive at all.

I think he reacted wrong to some stuff and never really fixed the past errors but it's thanks to his errors that people are learning more about a lot of different issues.

I think he can do better, but everyone can, even i honestly, we could always do better? I don't think he is intentionally creating problematic characters /situations on purpose. I feel like he's from another generation that was deeply problematic but he's trying it's best. I also feel it's not my place to judge and I like to hear the affected people voices about these matters.

So, I don't have a real answer, I just know that I don't think he is problematic, again, jkr is the problematic one. I appreciate his efforts. I also believe that non white writers should be able to sell their work about their representation and not white writers that write about poc or indigenous or whatsoever.

Like, let actually cherooke people write about cherooke characters.

This was a ramble, I apologise, but I hope I answered well?


The girls but unfinished bc I got distracted with another art? Lmao

Yeah but I wasn't much satisfied with this, maybe the poses, the colors, the faces? Sometimes is better to just try to finish it but also learn to stop and move on when things keeps looking meh

also can my design for the characters stay consistent please


piper mcleanartsoiasketchbookartists on tumblrillustrators on tumblrillustrationpercyjacksonfanartdigitalartpercyjacksonhazel pjohazel levesque

Glowing boyfriend I guess?

I'm currently confused about my art and I think it's because I'm confuse in my life as a general mood lmao. HOWEVER take a look at this art that I left at a "base color stage" with not much rendering involved lmao, it's basically unfinished compared to the usual but I still think it might work?

solangelo artartsketchbookartists on tumblrsoiaillustrators on tumblrillustrationpercyjacksonfanartdigitalartwillsolacenicodiangelofanartpercy jacksonpercyjacksonpjo fanartwill solacepjo artchb

Basking in the sun but patrochilles edition because you asked and who am I to not fulfill your requests?

No but really, I loved drawing this?? I am trying to focus more on the shapes, I feel it could help my art progress and I am kinda satisfied with this??? Idk what is going on BUT I LOVE IT and couldn't choose which one looks better 😭

patrochillesartsoiasketchbookillustrators on tumblrartists on tumblrillustrationpercyjacksonfanartdigitalartpatroclestsoa achillestsoasong of achillesincorrect tsoa quotespatroclus x achillesthe song of achillesachilles x patroclus


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