Family Code 3044 Can Abuser Get Child Support

A newborn sleeping on its father's chest

How Tin I Rebut the Presumption of Detriment for Domestic Violence?

An individual in the middle of a divorce or custody battle should avoid an allegation of domestic violence. When a former partner has made an allegation of domestic violence, it is beneficial to them to contact an experienced family police attorney. California Family Lawmaking (CFC) Department 3044 states that if the court finds a party seeking custody of a child perpetrated domestic violence against the other party seeking custody of the child or the child or the child's siblings within the previous five years, in that location is a rebuttable presumption that an honor of sole or joint physical or legal custody of a kid to the abuser is detrimental to the best interest of the kid.

In plain English language, this means that if the court finds y'all abused your sometime partner, your child or the child's siblings, it will be very close to impossible to get custody of your child. If yous are in this situation, a Family unit Law attorney can litigate on your behalf.

How exercise restraining orders and criminal convictions affect my example?

Whatsoever type of restraining order alleging you have committed domestic violence is information the family unit court judge will consider in your custody case. The different types of restraining orders include an Emergency Protective Order (EPO), which can last upwards to vii days, a temporary restraining order (TRO), which lasts between xx and 25 days, a permanent restraining order, which tin last upward to v years and a criminal protective order, which is attached to a criminal case in which charges were filed confronting the abuser. A criminal protective order lasts the length of the criminal case and normally up to three years later the case. If you have been bedevilled of a accuse of domestic violence, this tin can impact your child custody case in a negative way.

How does a divorce attorney rebut the presumption?

A divorce chaser looks at a wealth of information and presents evidence regarding the alleged abuser. Chlorofluorocarbon § 3044 lists the 7 factors that the courtroom considers. These are:

1. Whether the alleged abuser has demonstrated that giving sole or articulation physical or legal custody of a child to him or her is in the all-time interest of the child. The child's preference for frequent and continuing contact with both parents or with the noncustodial parent may not be used to rebut the presumption. In plain English, you need testify that the child would be well off with you despite the declared abuse.

two. Whether the declared abuser has successfully completed a batterer's treatment plan. This is most automatic and is a must for virtually judicial officers.

3. Whether the alleged abuser has successfully completed a program of alcohol or drug abuse counseling. This burden must be met if the court determines that counseling is appropriate.

4. Whether the declared abuser has successfully completed a parenting class if the court determines the class to exist appropriate.

five. Whether the alleged abuser is on probation or parole, and whether he or she has complied with the terms and conditions of probation or parole. Information technology is a serious business organization if the probation or parole is for a criminal charge of domestic violence confronting the party'south erstwhile partner or kid.

6. Whether the alleged abuser is restrained by a protective order or restraining lodge, and whether he or she has complied with its terms and conditions.

7. Whether the perpetrator of domestic violence has committed whatsoever farther acts of domestic violence, particularly against the party'south former partner, the child or siblings of the kid.

A Family unit Law attorney also reminds the judge that the judge cannot make a decision based only on the conclusions or recommendations of Family Courtroom Services staff or a child custody evaluator. In Riverside and San Bernardino counties the court often relies on this information every bit those counties are reporting counties but the court must make a specific finding regarding Family Code, Section 3044.

What is the standard for a rebuttable presumption?

An experienced Family unit Law attorney tin can explain the standard of proof for a rebuttable presumption and how to meet information technology. The presumption tin can exist rebutted by a preponderance of the evidence. In California, "preponderance of the evidence" means evidence that has more convincing force to information technology than opposed to it. If the prove is evenly balanced, a judge must notice confronting the plaintiff, the party who had the burden of proving information technology.

A lawyer tin can assist you lot finer by finding flaws in the evidence that the court has considered before and improving the standing of bear witness that is new to the courtroom. As an example, sometimes a former partner falsely alleges that the opposing party committed domestic violence. It is of import to contest the validity of the restraining society so the presumption does not attach in a matter

The alleged abuser's lawyer can evidence what the former spouse said that was fake, ambiguous, vague and biased. This lawyer can also point out that the one-time partner did not seek a TRO. The divorce lawyer can farther bear witness that the former spouse sought contact with the alleged abuser that did not concern the child.

The Family unit Police attorneys at the Constabulary Offices of H. William Edgar are experienced family unit police force litigation attorneys who have helped clients successfully win custodial rights even after they take been alleged to have committed domestic violence. Delight contact the office for a free initial consultation today. 888-251-9618


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